Instructions to authorsTYPES DE CONTRIBUTION Research paper : Papers should not exceed 5000 words and should not be submitted to other conferences or reviews. Current researchs : A doctoral workshop is planned for students who wish to submit their progress to the jury in short format (5 à 6 pages).
INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTEURS :Authors are cordially invited to submit their proposals for papers in English or French. Submission should be written with a maximum paper length of six (6) pages including references. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 2 members of the international program committee; additional reviewers will be consulted if needed. Paper acceptance will be based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of presentation.The accepted papers will be communicated as an oral presentation in a suitable topic session or presented as a poster sessions as accordingly to the scientific committee decision. Papers will be submitted to the CI2ST’2022 in TEX format or Doc format using the web site (registration is required via the following link). Authors are asked to use the appropriate MS Word styles (especially for title levels or subtitles: Title 1, 2, ...), not to underline the titles, limit the number of notes and insert tables and figures with a title in the text in the right places with a call in the text. All references should be cited with the names of the authors and the year of the reference in brackets. References or citations of unpublished papers should be avoided. The references will be listed at the end of the article, on a separate page entitled «Bibliographic references», according to the standards of writing scientific articles.
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